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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Jesus is in Kalamazoo!

(This post is from March 8th, while I was on retreat and internet was unavailable.  Now that I have some, I'd like to share it.)

Dear Jesus,

I saw you today and it was wonderful.  Thank you for being present in so many of your people at the Day Shelter.  Thank you for being in the smiles of your people who praised you for such a beautiful sunshiny day, like Derrick.  Thank you for the gift of music you gave to Ronda, and help her to continue to compose the song in her soul.  Thank you for the kids who came with their Auntie to have dinner with us.  Thank you for Dianne being at bingo again, and for Tredgie and Katie, and Michael, and all the people who help the members form a family.

Thank you for Red Bud, and his flirty words, and his respect of a married lady.  Thank you for Noah, and his interest and prayers for our teens.  Thank you for the bits of your body that we connected with this afternoon.

Thank you for giving us the courage to meet at the border, and erase the line that separates "them" from "us".  Thank you for the "we" that resulted.  Thank you for each of the kids on this retreat, and the special perspective of you that they bring to the party. Thank you for Father and Matt, and their words of encouragement.  Thank you for every little bit of this day!  You gave me this day as YOUR love letter.

I love you, too, Lord.


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