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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Go St. Joe, Yo!

Today is the feast day of St. Joseph, so I went to celebrate with my sister-friends at Nazareth.  The Congregation of St. Joseph is our local treasure trove of blessings, and the home base of many religious sisters (retired) and their associates.  The Holy Family Chapel contains a relic room with remains of some very well-known saints, and a set of Holy Stairs to help people pray and reflect on the steps Jesus took to his condemnation, and the steps we take on our personal road to glory.  The building itself is a treasure of beautiful architecture (Joseph WAS a carpenter, after all), but the true treasure lies inside. 

I felt a little awkward the first time I came to Mass here.  I felt like a freak show, actually.  I look in on this beautiful chapel filled with sweet little old lady nuns, and young vibrant fresh sisters, all joyfully preparing to celebrate God's love. Here comes Luke and I, five of our kids, and Adam and TJ, our nephew.  We herded the children in as quietly as one can smuggle six kids into a convent.  It was awesome.  We tried really hard not to be distracting.  This is my cross to bear.  I AM distracting a good portion of the time, without even trying.  

That was three Thanksgivings ago.  Now it feels like home.  On that first day, we met Sister Anne who welcomed us and doted on us as if we were long lost relatives, come for a visit.  She is the sweetest thing!  We also ran into Sister Joan who was a friend of Luke's Mom and Dad, and remembered Luke and his siblings.  They offered us coffee and filled the kids with cookies.  We had a great time talking and Luke and Sister Joan enjoyed catching up. 

Today walking in, the excitement filled the air!  FEAST DAY!!!  Woot Woot!!  There was much hugging and celebrating.  (Two of my favorite things!)  Once again, the sisters amazed me.  Just when I think I understand who they are and what they are about, I find that their truth runs deeper. 

They really REALLY get St. Joseph.  He's not credited with a single word in scripture.  Not one!  But he had a most important job to do.  Think about it.  Mary saying yes to the angel was huge, no question.  But Joseph could have had her stoned and walked away.  Go Joe!  He didn't do it!  Then there were repeated accounts of God telling him to do something in a dream.  Go Joe!  He listened.  Good old St. Joe saves the day again!  He raised this son to be who He was meant to be.  He taught him about wood and being a carpenter.  He helped the creator of the universe create things out of wood.  Huh, interesting.  Jesus helped create the wood he gave His life on. 

So, anyways , I was saying about the treasure.  It's the SISTERS!!!  They are so amazing!  They make me want to be a better person.  They make me feel confident and inspired.  They make me just a little jealous of their vocation.  One sister is learning English and learning to drive.  She has spent her life in service, caring for her people in Rwanda.  She carries in her heart untold pain and horrible memories.  But more importantly she carries the love of God that pulls her through every day.  She always has a ready smile and something nice to say.  One sister has spent the better part of her years ministering to those in the prisons of Lima Peru.  She doesn't talk about their sad fate, but about their amazing faith and charity.  The history of this congregation goes back 350 years to France where the first Sisters got together.  If you add up the years these women have spent being St. Joseph to the world, it's in the thousands.  

So, yeah, I guess I'm a sister groupie.  Their belief statement is, "to live and work so that we, and all creation, may be united with God and with one another in God." You've got to respect that. 

So I've been trying to determine if I am called to join this order.  Don't worry, Luke knows.  I would be an associate.  They are lay people who live the statement without being sisters.  Today I was asked to help bring up the gifts at Mass.  I carried up the empty chalice.  It was gold, and ornately carved.  I looked inside it and saw my reflection in gold.  I was taken by the fact that I saw myself in this cup which would hold the blood of Christ, poured out for all so that sins would be forgiven.  His blood would be poured over me to cleanse me.  I'm part of the sacrifice.  I think I got my answer.  Go St. Joe!   

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