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Monday, March 14, 2011

What can I say?

I'm sitting down to write, and I have no idea what I'm going to say.  None.  Which is really good news, because part of my reason for choosing to blog for Lent was to get out of my own way.  Sometimes I get so busy trying to craft my own story that I forget that I am NOT the author here.  I may be a collaborator.  I am certain that I make the "blooper reel" more exciting, but God's running the plot.  He writes every good story.  

So if I was looking for God today (and I always am!), where did I find Him?  I woke up to my kids snuggling me in my bed, which felt like God holding me when I was unconscious.  I had to smile at the memory of that warm, loving nest of happiness that I was so blessed to remember. 

 I got to school and saw my dear friend and we chatted.  She said she was proud of me for accomplishing things I've been afraid to try.  I saw my Maker in her, smiling and encouraging me. She is a beautiful person for so much more than just her face.    

There are my school kids who hug me all day long, and shower me with kind words and snowflakes they cut themselves from scrap paper.  I see God in them.  Especially the naughty ones.  They catch your eye every once in a while, and know you are trying to help them for not much other reason than that you care for them.  It's a beautiful moment when you see God in them.  I see that God is really trying to help me through them.  And that he only does it because He loves me and cares for me. 

We went out to dinner at an Asian restaurant, and Luke led the kids and I in a prayer for the people of Japan.  Right there in the restaurant.  Right out loud.  That is the amazing man I married!  I think God the Father looks a lot like him, except with a clean shave.  My kids are fortunate to have such a father.

Then my beloved Uncle Tommy called.  I love it when Uncle Tommy calls.  He's the most honest man I know.  We had a great conversation which rolled freely from growing up dyslexic to "The Bells of St. Mary", to whooping a child's a** in a West Virginia Walmart.  He connects me to all my family members who have gone on before me.  He reminds me of things my Grandma and Grandpa used to do and say, which makes me feel more in communion with them.  In fact, he told me,"Martha (my grandmother) never dies, she just spreads around from generation to generation..."  I got a bit of her stubbornness.  And she looked a lot like Lydia.  I'll take a little Martha!  She was amazing.       

So I'm praying that God keeps writing my story.  He certainly gives me plenty of experiences.  I'm blessed with fun kids, an awesome spouse, fabulous friends, and the ability to type (Thank you Mrs. Turcott.)  Thank you, God for showing yourself to me today.  Thank you friends for letting him use you today to show his love to the world.  When I do get the nerve up to submit some of my children's stories, I'd like the following to be on the inside cover of each one. 

To God be the Praise!
To God be the Glory!
He is the Author
of EVERY great story!

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