Dear Lord,
You know there's a little guy in our class who has the terrible habit of picking his nose. You also know that it's much more than just "picking", he's a bit of a "self-serve snack factory". The child LOVES to eat his boogers.
We've had a number of conversations about this activity. When he was asked why he does it, he responded, "It tastes yummy!" (Ick.) I asked about his other bodily functions, and asked him, "surely you wouldn't put any of them in your mouth, and he replied, "Of course not!" When I asked him what the difference was, he really grossed me out, "because I tried them and they were yucky."
EEEEWWWWWWW. Major League YUCK! I am completely disgusted by the indulgence in what is truly a waste product.
Which made me think of you.
You must sometimes look at me like my little booger-eater. I love and care about that little guy, and I am also boggled by his choices. Just as you must be boggled by some of mine.
Don't get me wrong, I do NOT eat the contents of my nose. However, I have been known to indulge in wasteful behavior. I have spent considerable time and energy in the useless pursuit of that which I find "yummy", which when viewed by older and more sensible people is not only waste, but also dirty, unhealthy, and really, gross. I have been distracted by the things that come from myself. My own thought and fears, hopes, and anxiety.
I have tried a good deal of things that are terrible choices, and found them "yucky". My choices are really not that different than my dear little nose-miner.
I also know that, out of love for me, you will continue to correct me and teach me, and smack my hand if necessary (which I would NEVER do to a school kid). I know that you will continue to show me patience and learning and love, which is also my plan with my little friend.
I know that you will encourage me to fill myself with TRUE food that will nourish me and strengthen me. You will show me the wide variety of fruits and vegetables, meats and nuts and tasty things that are all good options for my body, and how much more yummy healthy food can be.
You continue to show me that if I focus on what comes from me, I miss out on a whole wonderful world of possibilities. Holding on to my own fears and anxieties robs me of the time I could be using to look around at the rest of the world, and see all that others have to offer.
Please help me look beyond the end of my own nose for the yummy things that truly make me strong and whole.
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