Dearest Lord,
I look forward to intimate moments with you.
I look forward to the times we are so close that we have become one. Intertwined and combined. One flesh. We share all that is right and good and beautiful. You are ALWAYS right and good and beautiful, and when we are together, I feel that way, too.
I ache for those moments, once a week or more, when I accept your body into mine. I prepare myself, by cleansing my soul, and I read your words to hear the message of love you have for me. They are your love letters, your instructions, and your very self. Those words enter my ears, surround my brain, and affect every thought I have thereafter. They change my actions, and prepare me to love you better. They prepare me to love you fuller.
I sing to you. I read the poetry of love to you from your psalms. I offer your peace and love to all of those around me who are also awaiting you, and they offer it to me in return. The bell rings as the bread becomes your body, and the wine your blood. Then the moment arrives that I have longed for.
"The Body of Christ" is the truth of what the minister holds up to me, and places on my tongue. Your body. I gladly accept your body inside of mine. I am overwhelmed by the floral scent that washes over my mouth and nose. The smell of you on a hillside of flowers washes through my mind, as we come together in perfect Communion.
Perfect union. Perfect intimacy. Perfect Love. I want to stay there forever.
Perfect you.
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