Sweet Lord,
The snow is melting, and disappearing, and exposing everything old and worn out. Beneath the drifts are the partly-rotted leaves of last fall. The piles of dirt on top of the leaves are the debris left from a winter full of snow-plowed roads and cars driving by, redistributing the filth of our world.
Something old is showing itself, and it's not pretty. In fact, it's a very visual reminder that the old "stuff" that brought us such joy when it was new, is no longer proper, or healthy or needed. It just doesn't work any more. The time for THOSE particular leaves is gone. The time for hiding the dirt and debris of my life within a snowbank just doesn't work any more. It's time to clean my yard.
It's also time to clean my life. The cover of snow no longer shields my eyes from seeing what I left buried beneath it. I am forced to look at what debris I've collected over the long cold months that have most recently passed. It's time for me to do the spring cleaning of my soul, and just in time, because Easter is coming. We will celebrate the return of you, our triumphant Savior and I want to do it with a clean heart.
Thank you for the opportunity to meet you in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I loved being with you (even for a quick few minutes) in the confessional, where we had the chance to get things out in the open, and make them right. My sins have been forgiven, now I need to remove the debris of my choices, and make room for the new blessings you have prepared for us.
Please help me to be a diligent worker. Help me to leave behind this lazy hibernation, and get to work preparing the way for you.
Lent is nearly over, the really hard part is about to begin.
Lord, please strengthen me. Please allow my little bit of suffering to strengthen you, if that is possible. Thank you for what we're about to remember and celebrate.
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