I know that's not really what it's called, but that is what it is in my heart, Priest Fest 2011! The rest of the Catholic world refers to it as the Chrism Mass. The Mass was tonight at the Cathedral in Kalamazoo, and it was awesome. The real purpose of the Chrism Mass is for the bishop to bless the oils that will be used to anoint the sick, the newly baptised, those receiving Confirmation, the ordination of priests, and the anointing of altars during this next year. They get new oils every year. All of the priests of the diocese attend and celebrate this Mass together, with our shepherd, the Bishop. They also renew their vows of Christ-like selfless service to their brothers and sisters. The people there promise to pray for and help the priests fulfill their vows. Fresh oil, fresh year, fresh new start for the priests. It feels like life springing anew!
For me, it's really like a Faith-Family reunion! As I mentioned, ALL the priests of the Diocese of Kalamazoo attend (except for the ones in Rome, or those unable to travel.) So as they process in and out of Mass, it's like a "Who's Who" of my religious upbringing and church life. See that guy, he heard my first confession! We had this guy for a few weeks while Father Jim was on sabbatical, but I can't remember his name. There's Father Bob. There's Father Jim! There's Young Father Adams, and Father Adams the Elder (I'm probably the only one that calls him that. "Old Father Adams" doesn't sound very nice.) Father Christian was sporting a freshly shaved head that made me almost miss him, but I couldn't mistake his smile. Father Richard was there, singing with those AMAZING pipes God gave him. There's the Father that wears the Gold robes at Nazareth (can't think of his name, either.) There's Father Anthony the Chaplain at the hospital.
Father Anthony. I wonder if he will ever know how much he brings God to people who are suffering. Even with the memory loss I had in the hospital, I remember Father Anthony telling me it was okay, and I needn't cry because I'll see Jesus when it is time and not before. I remember the look of surprise on his face when I showed him the passage from my devotional for the day of my cardiac arrest. "I have not yet shown you all there is to show you, but the one who has made the promises is good for his promises..." That man has a special place in my heart.
So does Monsignor Tom Martin. He married me to my husband, baptised all my kids, and gave most of them First Holy Communion, and helped lead them to Jesus. He has been my confessor, my counselor, and my dear friend. He also taught me that priests can work a Super Soaker just as well as any young kid! There weren't just priests there, either. Deacon Tom and Deacon Dave have both been a long-standing part of my Family of Faith. Some newer members of that family were there, Sister PT Cruiser and Sister Mila, and countless others that I have met along the way. We all celebrated together.
This Holiest of Holy weeks, we have so much to celebrate. Bishop Bradley mentioned "turning in our ashes for Diadems" and putting on a "mantle of gladness" in place of a listless spirit. That's just exactly what this celebration felt like. Lent is nearly over. It's time for the real deal! Ready or not, HERE HE COMES! It's time to celebrate the new life that we all received because the King of Glory triumphed over the grave for us. FOR US! He took our ashes and gave us LIFE and wants us to live it TRIUMPHANTLY! Brand Spanking NEW!
Well, I think we can all see what reunions do to me. Reconnecting with people you love and care for is so healing and energizing. Can you use a little healing and energizing in your life? Reconnect with your Maker. He's got his dust-buster ready and your diadems polished. He'll fix that listless spirit. He's probably got lots of lists for you, like a list of people who love you, a list of people you love, and a list of priests you've known and loved. Not so "listless" now, are you! Mantle of Gladness! Mantle of Gladness! Go celebrate Holy Week. Pray for your priest or deacon, or someone you haven't seen in a while in YOUR Faith Family! Blessings!
Some years back, I told God I would blog whatever he'd like me to say for Lent. Those blogs are still here. It's Lent again, and this year, it's 40 days of love letters, my way. I hope he uses my words to abundantly bless you, and fill you with LOVE!!!
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