Just for a minute, reflect with me on the goodness of our Creator. He created popcorn shrimp, which at this moment, I am thankful for. He made every creature on the planet, and instilled certain ones with the ability to become friends with the people. He made our pets, and gave them the ability to show us affection when no human could understand the depths of our need. Thank you God, for the times you sent a dog or cat to show me your love.
He created the rocks and trees and sunsets, painted with every color that could ever be imagined. He gave us the ability to see those colors and put meaning to them. The blackness of the perfect jelly bean, or the soft smooth reddish-yellow of a ripe peach, he made all the colors for us. He made them to show how much he loves us. Does his love burn red hot? Is it as cool and refreshing as a blue spring sky after the gray of winter? He took the vast darkness and filled it with light and color and love. Only because He loves you, and wants you to look and see it... Do you see His love?! Thank you, God for the colors.
My Creator formed me. Male and female He created us. The Bible says we are wonderfully made. Before we were knitted together in our mother's wombs, we were loved and known by God. And he made us anyway. He made you beautiful. To believe anything else is to believe a lie. It has taken me 44 years and countless hours of prayer (and therapy) to be able to say this, but I am made in the image and likeness of God, and I am beautiful. Thank you, God. Just thank you.
"God knew it wasn't good for the man to be alone...." Or this woman. So he put people in my path to love me, and for me to love. We love the best way we know how. It's easy to get frustrated when people can't (or won't) love you in a way you need them to. Maybe they can't yet. Maybe they don't know how. Maybe they are giving you their best, but it still isn't enough for you. Maybe it's time to look and see how God loves you. No one can love you more than to hang on a cross and die for you. Except maybe to come back from the dead and ascend to Heaven to prepare a place for you in Paradise. That's how your Maker loves you! Do you love him back the same way? NO! We can only love him the best we know how. We love him by saying thank you with every breath, every movement, every smile, every kind word. We love him back by reflecting his love to everyone we meet. Like you do for me. Thank you God, for all the sparkly reflections of your love you put in my path today. Help me to keep looking for them every day! (And finding them!)
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